Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

We've had a very enjoyable Easter day. Our day began with a call early this morning that one of the students in our Sunday School class was being baptized this morning. We rushed around so we could be at church early to be there for the baptism. Great worship service and sermon from Pastor Tim and then a lovely lunch at Red Lobster with our dear friends the Heckels. Afterwards, the guys and the kids humored me and Tammy with a few pictures at a nearby park. Managed to get a few good ones inspite of the chilly weather and Jeff's impatience. Its Masters Sunday,you know. Now we're home just hanging out and it's so nice. Hope your Easter day has been a blessed one, too!

Photos were taken by Tammy. Look out all you photogs! I think she has a great eye and my family is so at ease with her. Glad for the chance to finally give this a whirl and so grateful to have these-thanks, Tam!

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