I'm a big Ellen DeGeneres fan and at the first of the year she talked about creating a Life List. Of course, her list consisted of things she wanted to accomplish in her lifetime. Daydreaming today, I was thinking about things I've always wanted to do, but for one reason or another haven't or most probably won't ever do. But they're fun to think about. Here's a peek at a few...
drive a volkswagon convertible
travel to exotic places-Australia and New Zealand, Paris, California (well, it's exotic to this mid-western girl!)
live near the ocean
be independent and not care what other people think
ride in a horse drawn carriage in the snow
be skinny
What have you always wanted to do? Hope everyone out in bloggyland will participate and leave a comment and share. :)
1 comment:
I've always wanted to:
go skinny dipping :o
eat an entire tub of Edy's
go on a cruise
cut my hair super-duper short
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