Going to try and have an unplugged holiday tomorrow so wanted to send out my greetings to everyone ahead of time for a festive Fourth. We're heading out to my brother's house in the afternoon. Hoping to catch the local parade in the morning and maybe even a movie tomorrow evening. We'll see what the day brings. Just looking forward to a day off in the middle of the week. Brady is most looking forward to sleeping in and cinnamon rolls and of course, going to cousin Matt's house!
Hope your day brings fun and relaxation with family and friends. We're especially grateful for those men and women of our armed forces who protect our freedoms at home and abroad. Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice. Take a moment to recognize them and the wisdom and forethought of our founding fathers more than 200 years ago in establishing the documents that govern our country, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Caught Brady singing this along with a commercial earlier in the week.
My country 'tis of Thee,
Sweet Land of Liberty of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside, let FREEDOM RING.
Yes, let FREEDOM RING! Have a great Independence Day!
Enjoy your day tomorrow. Sounds fun. Brian's girlfriend, Susan, is coming in and we may go downtown to see the fireworks. She's from a very small town and would probably enjoy it.
Looking forward to spending the day with family as well. See you there.
You have a great talent with photography and story telling.
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