Sunday, April 19, 2009


113_1838, originally uploaded by psmullican.

Having some fun tonight using picnik via flickr. I always feel like I'm the last one at the party, but I finally decided to give this a try. Just not brave enough to learn Photoshop. So I like that this allows you to try some fancy schmancy things without having to delve into all that.

Wish you could know what it took to get this photo. I got several good ones in just a short time in the overcast sunlight before the rain set in late this afternoon. My boy just doesn't like to have his photo taken. SIGH.

Love the polaroid look. Love this boy. SIGH


Cindy said...

He's a cutie! And I love is fun isn't it? If my download time was faster I would play with more...but it gets to be more frustrating rather than fun. But yours turned out really cute!


Diane said...

He's really growing up fast! Don't they all?!?