house·warm·ing \'haus-wor-ming\
noun: a party to celebrate the taking possession of a house or premises
noun: a party to celebrate the taking possession of a house or premises
You may have noticed the new look of my blog. Well, those who know me well know that was not entirely my doing. Recently, I was thrilled to discover the newest venture by one of my creative idols. Heidi Swapp along with Rhonna Farrer and Janet Hopkins have created House of 3 Design District- an online boutique of their digital artwork, printables and more. What an awesome idea - particularly for those of us too techno timid to try some of these creative effects on our own! I've already purchased several printables along with the new blog couture you see here. And only these gals would be clever enough to come up with the term: blog couture-I love it!
House of 3 is celebrating with a housewarming party this weekend. Check out their boutique HERE and see all the exciting projects and tutorials they've launched and join in on the fun. I'll be working on some of these throughout the week and will try to post when finished. Can't wait to get started!
Best wishes to the "ladies of the house" as they embark on this journey together. Only in a techno-savvy world could they do so from the comfort of their homes literally worlds away from one another. Rock on, ladies!
P.S. I'll be trying on some other blog couture later in the week. Let me know which one(s) you like best. Just curious!